PonyFinder book page
ponyfinder book page
PonyFinder book page



What is Pony Finder?

Adventure in the world of Everglow, nestled in delicate balance between the elemental planes. It is a world of magic and mystery, where the fey are in control and the humanoid races are secondary. Foremost of the fey are Ponykind, who rallied behind their Queen to form the greatest empire Everglow had ever seen.

We’ve brought ponies, griffons, felines, and other strange creatures to life in a world all of their own, where they are the primary PCs. Don’t want to run a game all about ponies? That’s alright! Use our post-empire suggestions to add ponies to any other existing world. Many spells, archetypes, and bloodlines are also usable by non ponies or other settings.

What does Pony Finder have to do with TPM?

See our mascot, Aether Naut, in Ponyfinder : Forgotten Past and have her traveling museum venture into your campaign!

How Do I get in on the action?

We carry each of the campaign books along with us to every convention we visit! We carry both hardcover and paperback copies of the books for your choosing, and we even offer a special discount if you buy multiple books!